Conservation & Protection
Fly Fishing Nassau takes pride in the conservation of all species and their natural habitats. We intend to push further towards the protection of our shores and coastlines in order to see our bonefish and other specie populations flourish. We promote, encourage and support the restoration of our mangroves and share the importance behind it for both human and marine habitat.The Bahamas is well known for it's fishing and marine life and we would like to keep it that way for future generations, we kindly ask all of our angler/non angler buddies to please respect our fishing regulations and to educate yourself on the laws that are strictly enforced before heading out.

"Be a part of the solution, not the problem."
Visit The Department of Marine Resources to learn more about Flats' Fishing and Fishing Regulations in The Bahamas.
Crawfish - Closed Season Apr 1st - Jul 31st​
-No more than 10 tails on vessel
-Minimum Size 3 3/8inch carapace/6inch tail length
-Egg bearing females prohibited
-No more than 6 allowed on board
-Harvesting/possession of conch w/o 'well-formed flared lip' prohibited
Migratory Specie(s) (wahoo, dolphin, tuna):
-Shall not exceed 18 fish per vessel
-Shall not exceed 60lbs or 20 scale fish
BillFish(Marlin,Sailfish,sword etc):
-Must be returned to sea unharmed
ScaleFish: Nassau Grouper prohibited Dec 1st - Feb 28th
-Netting of bonefish is prohibited, catch and release is heavily enforced
-Grouper & rockfish must weigh at least 3lbs
Stone Crab: Closed Season Jun 1st - Oct 15th​
-Minimum claw size 4inches
-Females are prohibited
-Turtles and Sharks are protected in The Bahamas!
Spearfishing in The Bahamas:
-Use of scuba gear/air compressor to catch any fish/conch/marine animal is prohibited
-Hawaiian Sling is the Only approved spearfishing method
-Not allowed within 1 mile off the coast of New Providence, Freeport, Grand Bahama and Not allowed within 200 yards off the coast of our outer islands.
Spearfishing/Fishing/Removal of Any Marine Life is Prohibited in All National Sea Parks
"No persons shall engage in flats fishing unless; holding a personal angler licence granted by the Fisheries Department or is under the age of 12 years.​"
"A vessel, other than a Bahamian owned or licensed charter shall not engage in flats fishing unless a permit to engage in 'sports fishing' has been issued;"
"Each person on vessel intending to engage in flats fishing is the holder of a personal angler licence."
"Vessels with granted 'sports fishing' permit must employ a minimum of one (1) certified flats' fishing guide"
"Commercial fishing in the flats is prohibited"
"A person who engages in Flats' Fishing shall engage only in catch and release fishing in respect of bone-fish, permit, snook, cobia or tarpon"
"Hold in his possession at any time no more than one fish and; fish by hook and or bait method Only."
For more Information please visit :
"Fisheries Resources (Jurisdiction and Conservation) (Flats Fishing) Regulations, 2017."